Exibindo 37–48 de 156 resultadosSorted by latest
La libertad del Espíritu. Tres figuras en diálogo interdisciplinario: Teresa de Ávila, Paul Ricoeur y Hans Urs von Balthasar.
Cecilia Avenatti de Palumbo (ed.)
R$180,00 Comprar -
Oeuvres en prose
Paul Claudel
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Oeuvres Poétiques complètes
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Anthologie Bilingue de la poésie allemande
Jean-Pierre Levebvre (ed.)
R$300,00 Comprar -
Poètes et romanciers du Moyen Age
Albert Pauthilet (ed.)
R$150,00 Comprar -
Cardeal de Retz
R$150,00 Comprar -
Oeuvres Complètes
Dante Alighieri
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Mr Bligh’s bad language. Passion, Power and theatre on the Bounty.
Greg Dening
R$120,00 Comprar -
The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Volume VIII. From Formalism to Poststructuralism.
Raman Selden (ed.)
R$230,00 Comprar -
The limits of American Literary Ideology in Pound and Emerson
Cary Wolfe
R$220,00 Comprar -
Tolkien: hombre y mito
Joseph Pearce
R$100,00 Comprar -
The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and Philosophy
Anthony J. Cascardi
R$125,00 Comprar
Exibindo 37–48 de 156 resultadosSorted by latest